The names Johnson Springdale, just another average dude working a boring minimum wage job. I just woke up to check on my alarm clock, to see 9:00 am? Agh, I hate getting up in the morning, and going to sleep always annoys the hell out of me. As I stretched and forced myself out of bed, I decided to go to the bathroom and take a nice hot shower to wake myself up. Yes, I fucking know that cold showers are better to wake up with, but I can’t handle the cold, a large reason why I wish I could just move to the tropics. But enough talk about the tropics, I want to see what’s on the news. Maybe they are giving Powerup Fantasy 5 some DLC. I don’t have the game, but I have been saving up my money for a while just so I can get it along with the Switch, since it’s a console exclusive. However, recently, many people in the government have been fighting over this proposal if they should spend money on building some stupid monument to honor a man who I personally believe is a piece of shit. They could be using that money for better infrastructure, not having to deal with leaks, but nope they have to build a worthless monument, but I wonder how the bill is going.
I got up to make myself four slices of toast, and took out my phone to see what dumb shitshow the circus our society is involved in yet again aside from that monument. However, as soon as I tried to search up the news, I found out that I had no internet connection. Really, WHAT THE HELL! I thought I had paid for the internet this month, and I got nothing! I see that I still have water, and the electricity is still on, but no internet? Is the landlord preventing me from using it due to my late payment this month? Seems like the kind of thing he does on his first strike before going onto water, electricity and finally eviction. At least he does the bare minimum by issuing a warning unlike the others who go right to eviction.
I decided to give my landlord a call through the landline, but I got no answer. I was starting to get pissed off, so I went downstairs to his apartment to only see that he’s not even there at his office flipping through a stack of cash. Just an empty apartment. Goddammit! He must be at some strip club, as he often does, rather than actually taking care of the building. Then again even if he was here, he would tell me to leave him alone, and he might have hung up if I did call him. For this reason, everyday I fantasize about stabbing him whenever he comes into my house. Of course I don’t want to be chased after by the law, so I just deal with his shit until I can find a better place.
I would later decide to check on my neighbors, as I knocked on their doors to get no answer. I decided that I should just head over to work, as I have to get there by 11:00 and it’s already 10:30. I already don’t want to be late, with my boss being much worse So I just packed everything up, and headed right towards my work. As I was on my way, I began to notice that no cars are moving on the streets, or even any people. This started to feel weird, as this is usually the most busy part of the city with all the interesting shops. I just walk to work, as it’s just a couple of blocks, and the fact that the public transport just terrifies me with the fact that a lot of violent crime happens there. But without a sight, I suddenly had the urge to do something that I never had the guts to do before.
“HELLO!!! IS ANYBODY HERE, I WANT TO SEE IF EVERYONE IS STILL HERE!!!” I yelled across the street wondering if there’s anyone left. This actually felt so good, as I never yelled that load in a long time, for reasons that are too traumatic for me to get into right now. I tried to see what happened, I did have the thought that everyone is playing a trick on me, or if it’s like that Johnny Bravo episode where he thought that time stopped. I decided to do something I would not be able to do. And this was breaking a window of a car, and stealing something. So I went to the military antique shop where they sold all sorts of weapons, and of course the old cranky clerk who’s usually there with the lack of a left arm and an eyepatch was not there. So I was able to take the Viking axe, and ran all the way back to my apartment building to realize that my landlord’s Ferrari is still there. I threw the axe against the front window, as the car emits an alarm. Nothing happened, except of course for the smashed car. I was expecting my landlord, an officer or someone else to get pissed, but nothing happened. I only have one conclusion for this, and I think it seems epic. I started to laugh loudly, then I busted out “I am alone, I AM ALONE, AND I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT!!!” I was bursting with excitement, as I had no idea what to do with this freedom, then I knew exactly what I had to do as a lightbulb flashed above my head.
I first decided to vandalize a billboard right near my office where I used to work. It was just another stupid Hollywood Superhero movie, God how many of those movies do they have to make, it’s just getting repetitive at this point. I drew some mustaches, clown noses and devil horns to make the character look silly, and I even wrote the line “DEATH TO THE GOVERNMENT” in bold red letters. Since I have this world to myself, I could at least get a bit of revenge against the leaders who been fucking with people like for many years. But with them gone, what are those fucks going to do about it? Put me on death row? I doubt THAT!
Later I decided to head to the arcade to see it still works, but then to only remember that there still is electricity. I guess climbing onto a billboard and focusing on not falling could cause one to forget something that simple. I decided to play some of my all time favorite games, starting with King of Dragons. I played there for a few minutes after taking the quarters from the vending machine by taking off the screws. I played other games, but I grew bored after a while, and I decided that I should do some looting. I mean, I should have done that first thing, and while I am at it, I think I will move into a penthouse! I hate how my apartment always has leaky faucets, and of course my landlord refuses to ever call in a plumber.
I took as much as possible, including some groceries like bread, meat and bananas to my new penthouse. For those of you wondering why food is one of the first things I take, I HAVE TO EAT YOU KNOW! I would later bring all my stuff from my apartment over, just one game console with pre-downloaded games, and a couple of books and 32 figurines. After taking some food and bringing everything to my new house, I decided to head over to a huge mall. I looked at every store, with a backpack to carry everything.
I decided to head into Target to see for a general selection, and maybe I will get more food, and see if I see any furniture that I can bring to spice up my apartment. As I was walking along the food aisle to get some groceries, since I wanted to eat, and I was planning to get something easy to cook, like a microwavable cup of ramen. I soon heard sounds of metal cans hitting the stone floor. I ignored it at first, as I assumed that I must have been hearing things. It however continued, and went on for a few minutes. I was starting to lose my mind, as I decided to exceed with caution. Fortunately I looted an antique pistol from that store and some bullets. I think it could be somebody else, but that’s impossible. Everyone is gone, but then I realized something, what if I’m not the only one left, but rather I am one of the few that’s left, or a part of a minority that survived. I went to the aisle and I heard the noise to notice that indeed there were cans on the floor. I walked with my gun out, I turned around right to my back as I thought I heard footsteps in the distance. I was starting to lose my mind, and to be honest, I kind of knew that was going to happen to me eventually. However I assumed this insanity will come over when eventually I will start speaking to inanimate objects and seeing hallucinations. Just hoped that the short term fun of doing whatever with no consequences would be worth dealing with what solitary confinement does to a person.
I walked and looked back and forth still looking for any signs of whatever the hell is knocking off the cans. I looked to one side while hiding in one corner of the shelf, as I pointed my gun in the distance. I just saw more shelves with merchandise. I went out still with my gun to search for what’s happening.
“YOU! GET OUT OF MY MARKETPLACE!!” This voice came out of nowhere, filling me up with goosebumps. I turned around to see a skinny man with skin so pale you could assume he never went outside his whole life, and the fact that he has a long tongue and teeth so sharp puts me on edge. I pointed my gun right away, and took deep breaths while looking at this hideous abomination, that it really needs a haircut, it covers up his face, then again, I don’t want to see that thing’s face.
“Look, what the fuck do you want?! I just want to go by day, and get what I need, that’s all! SO PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!” I said in complete fear and anger. I was at a complete edge, and I am not even sure if I was seeing a human, in fact I don’t even think I have ever seen this creature before.
“Ahh, so you’re a human eh? I thought your kind was dead ever since the “Chain Reaction” happened.” This creature said to me in a tone that makes me feel uncomfortable, as if he’s condescending me.
“What the fuck is the Chain Reaction?” I asked
“HA! I should have guessed that you were oblivious enough to have no clue of that important event. I mean it took place 1000 years ago! Eh… Never mind, I don’t want to waste any time telling you a history lesson.” The humanoid said as it soon leaped at me with speed that should be impossible for any creature to go. I was lucky that I dodged right at the nick of time, and quickly shot my gun. All I did was wound the creature, and it seemed like he did not even get a scratch. At least that gave me enough time to escape and maybe think of a plan to either flee, or fight that thing if I have to.
I avoided that creature by sheer luck, and now I am thinking that thing might be a ghoul, you know from a horror movie? I decided to get some beer, take off the lids and make molotov cocktails just in case I run out of ammo, reminding me that I may need a new gun. I listened for any sudden movements, and once I heard footsteps, I paid attention to all possible directions, and once the ghoul jumped right at me, I shot a few more bullets at its chest.
It’s still going strong, but it leaped onto the top of the shelves, and I had no idea why it did that, so I got prepared anyway in case it tried to leap directly on top of me.
“Heh heh heh. Well it was nice fucking with you little of shit. But I have to go now, since the Jullvex are coming. Don’t worry though pathetic human, they will give you peace, AS A PART OF THEIR HIVE MIND!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!” the ghoul laughed as it jumped into an air vent, but not before it knocked down the shelf so I can’t do the same.
Great, now I actually have two problems, one to escape from whatever the ghoul warned me about through ridicule, and second to figure out what is going on, and how did I somehow live for a thousand years and not even age a bit. Just more mysteries I need answered. And from the absurdities, I should probably prepare for the supernatural judging from what’s happening.
I ran out of the store with my loot, with plans to head into my penthouse to turn it into my personal fortress to defend against whatever is out there. I ran out of the supermarket, and I looked into my pistol to see that I only had 2 bullets left after I used the rest to subdue that ghoul back there. I saw some green slime in one part, and it looked so squishy. Although I was tempted to touch it, as I put my hands closer. However, I decided against doing such a thing once I realized that doing so would have effects that I do not want to know.
I walked across the mall hallways, and I spotted a video game store. I would see a game that I have been wanting for a while now, which was none other than the one on the top of my wishlist, Powerup Fantasy 5. It’s pretty much your typical pseudo-medieval fantasy JRPG, but with amazing characters, and each game actually has a different setting each game, and yet it all takes place all in the same world. So it does not necessarily take place in a medieval setting, as only the first game is like that. Been playing since the first game was released on the SNES, and played every game after. Heck I am surprised the publisher and developer just focus entirely on this series without any spin offs despite the amount of money they could have made doing other stuff. And that’s just 5 games to boot! Since this game is in HD and on all consoles, I decided to take it and the Switch since I intend to play when I am on the move, with all the danger and everything. I took the game into my bag, took the Switch out the box and put it in a Mario themed case, and there, I was ready to get out of this mall, as all the slime was starting to move and gave me the creeps. Fortunately I am not carrying much stuff, so I ran right outside the store. I realized that I should not have taken that detour and maybe find a better time to get that game, as then the slime I saw piled up into one section, and it formed into what appears to be a humanoid shape resembling that of a young woman, along with more slimes forming making up many humanoid shapes of various groups of people of different features. The first to form was their leader, and she gave off a caring smile, and yeah, I don’t trust these creatures no matter how friendly they seem.
“Hey human, looks you were just in trouble with that ghoul. You’re lucky that we made it here on time. Since you are safe now, and soon you will become one with us, a part of the Jullvex, our whole family.” Yeah, I am starting to cult vibes from hearing this slime woman speak those lines. Damn, I wish that I had waited to get that game, or have it been the first thing that I got since the supposed “Chain Reaction” happened. Ah well, live and learn.
“Uh, sorry, but I don’t think I really am that interested in being a part of a family. I mean I will have to be involved with obligations when I could just be playing video games, especially the Powerup Fantasy games. And if you excuse me, the fifth entry isn’t going to complete itself” I said to the Jullvex, as I walked backwards slowly, getting ready to make my run.
“Well, we are not the kind of family you were thinking of fleshing, rather we all look after one another, and we will protect you. And in addition, the conversion will give you immortality and become whatever you’d like!” the Slime woman said.
“Sorry, I don’t want to live forever, seems kinda overrated. So I will simply just go and focus on completing Powerup Fantasy 5 for maybe 10 times since I heard the story was good. Bye now” I quickly ran, as the way these slime people were talking, it almost seems like a cult.
Of course, I should have not said that, but now they are desperate to save me from my supposed “brainwashing”, and it seems like they won’t take no for an answer. I don’t want to go into detail of what the creatures were saying to convince me, but it was in the lines of having “eternal happiness, and part of a family”, you know, usual cult stuff.
Damn, for creatures made entirely of slime, those bastards sure are fast, I tried to get them off my tail, as I tried to creatively create an escape route while in the process, but of course doing this the last minute is never a good idea, and now I knew why the ghoul escaped in the first place. Whatever these slime people are, I don’t need any estimations to know they are powerful. As I made my escape to one corner, and while those creatures were faster than a human, and I was lucky I did not get turned as I was writing this in my journal.
I was out of breath, and I was really hoping that I had escaped those creatures, but I found out that I was not paying attention to where I was running as I did not focus on where I was heading, to see I was at a dead end. Shit, this is not my lucky day. I turned around to see the Jullvex woman along with more of her kind surrounding me. I saw that there were at least 7 including the leader herself, and they were all women like her. To be honest, the leader was smoking hot, I would actually be smitten if she was actually a human, but I am no simp, and I made a promise to myself that I won’t join any cults. I took out my pistol, and shot a few rounds, to see that the bullets had no effect. Ok, seeing that there are bullet proof creatures creeps the living shit out of me, and seeing there is no way out, I took out a knife thinking that I might have to commit suicide if what they implied about turning into them is true. As I was about to slit my own throat, as I was in complete panic, the leader dropped it out of my hand by expanding it’s limbs and smacks it away.
“Well human, we don’t want you to end your life when it’s just beginning do we? Suicide is not a joke, and we will take care of your mental wellbeing.” She said in a stern voice sent chills down my spine
“LEAVE ME ALONE! IS IT A BAD THING THAT I WANT TO PLAY POWERUP FANTASY 5 IN PEACE!!” I yelled as I was in complete panic, already surrendering, as I saw no way out but to become yet another cult member, and a monster. The woman ignored my cries, as she gave a warm smile, as her minions came to me. I was already turning to God even though I am an atheist, praying that he would send someone to help me, but it’s hopeless.
That’s what I thought, as out of nowhere, a spray of fire retardant went into the Jullvex, as they’ve been slowly freezing into statues that are just as lively as the Romans made them. A frog came into the scene, and he was humanoid, had red lips like that of a woman, while wearing a military outfit that reminds me of what the Soviets wore. The frog gave off a smug look in his face, as if he’s a troll accomplishing something funny yet pointless, and his appearance reminds me of a certain character.
“You’re lucky that I came here right at the nick of time, now come with me if you want to live with your sanity intact, or alive. Either way is fine” the frog said. I don’t want to have to team up with something that does not make any sense whatsoever, since everything I saw today came right out of a fantasy story like the very JRPG I love. But with the situation at hand, I don’t really have a choice.
“Alright, fine I don’t have any options. I will go with you, just please don't betray me or do any tricks” I said to the frog.
“I saved you didn't I? Don’t worry about me betraying you, we have to get out of here now, before those jellies break out of their prisons!” The frog said, going from smug to serious, as his face now says it all.
“Anyways, that pistol is not going to cut it. Here’s a better tool, a deck of cards. Sure, you don’t know what they are, but believe me, they are good weapons better than anything you ever knew of. Now let’s get out before we get assimilated!” The frog yelled, after he gave me what he said in the quotes. Yeah, I have no clue about how game supplies are going to help me, but at least I get to play games when my Switch is out of battery. I followed the frog out, running away from the frozen Jullvex.
As we were running, I asked the frog “Why don’t we break the ice sculptures? Won’t that kill them?”
“No time for questions, just follow my lead right now, and I will get you to your penthouse. I have made a survival area there, and turned the whole building into a ship. I found out once I went in there and saw it’s in best. Now let’s get back to our escape from the mall!” The frog said, getting slightly annoyed.
Yeah, I don’t think I want to bother him anymore. I don’t know how he knew where I lived, or why he decided to have a commune in my building, but I should not ask more questions, as he might just abandon me. I followed him to the exit, onto the street, I saw that there was a jeep that he went on. I was about to run right to it, but he dragged me into the sideline. I don’t why he did that, but it seems like he’s about to…
“Shhh, and don’t write, this is not the time.” The frog said as he took my notebook while I was writing. So everything from there on out is written after these events. I didn't realize why the frog pulled me onto one corner, until he took out a grenade, and threw it to one side. An explosion causing rubble to go all over the place. Then a bunch of lizards, goblins, imps and other demons considered weak in most fantasy stories came out.
“Here’s the keys!” The frog said as he handed me what’s needed to drive that jeep. “Now get out, I will handle these monsters. Just focus on leaving here alive, don’t worry I will catch up to you later, now go to the penthouse!” He yelled. I did exactly what he wanted me to do, as I got into the jeep and left without him. I drove off to my penthouse, and I heard that the frog said he converted the whole building into a ship. I decided to head right over to the society that’s made of others like me, and I saw that everyone is actually stationed everywhere, well, I mean the building is just twenty stories, and I made my base on the top floor obviously, since I assume the penthouse will give me some sort of protection just in case if this sort of situation arises. I saw that the building was much like a village, except it’s one whole building and that apparently everyone’s apartments function as their own huts. I went inside, as I put my gun away. I never knew that the building I chose will have a community, but hey it’s better that way I guess.
Well, back to my story rather than explaining about the situation, I was greeted by one of the guards who wore a similar style of uniform to the Frog. He appears to just be an ordinary human being of an African American appearance, a no nonsense look with a shaved head and
“Hello, I am just another survivor who made his home here before this tribe of yours made it yours. Could I come in since all my stuff is in here, and I made it here first” I asked, and I have a feeling that I should have been a bit more polite, as that came off a bit rude.
“Oh, you must be that loser Doo-pe told me about, well come right in. Oh yeah, you may need to move all your stuff from the penthouse, as that’s where the controls of the ship are. So Doo-pe told me that you will be right below him on the 19th floor. Just do so before he comes back, or else everything there is his” The guard said as he allowed me into the building.
I guess I have to start moving, at least it won’t be that much of a hassle as all I have in the penthouse is just my game system, controllers, and 3 boxes of toys and figurines. I already have a T.V. and furniture in my room, so this Doo-pe guy can have it. Now I am wondering, is this Doo-pe guy the guard mentioned actually the very same frog who saved me? I have more questions than ever, but I am more interested in what the hell happened, and how I even ended up in the situation. I wondered about this, and I wrote all the crazy shit that happened today, and I could do some research, but of course as I tried to leave the building, the guard refuses to let me out, as he reminded me about the Jullvex, and that Doo-pe has plans to leave this city along with the building. So I guess I will be playing Powerup Fantasy 5 while I am waiting for the okay to head out. But now I want to figure out how the Chain Reaction happened, and what event caused this chain of events. I will have to some research, I want to play this game I have been waiting for so long ever since it was announced, but speaking about Powerup Fantasy, the plot about the Chain Reaction, and that I woke up thinking I have the whole world to myself reminds me of what happened in the last entry of the game, where the protagonist like me also finds himself in weird circumstances, except that he woke up in a field to be found by a couple. It’s sort of the same, but it’s not.
I will have to end this blog here for now, but I really hope that I won’t have to deal with anymore monsters, but I have to be realistic, that’s not going to happen with the state of the world, so I think I will devote my life towards finding out more on the Chain Reaction, what led to the event, and what happened in between now and then.
It has some nice premise, but I'll be honest it's not executed in the best possible way. The character acts illogical. He is intent on trying things he had no access before, yet he goes to the mall for the vegetables? I really doubt that. Same goes for bringing his old stuff into penthouse. When you are threatened by dangerous monsters, you will not waste time on grabbing games or have a thought of touching suspicious slimes. Action scenes are raw, shooting at someone who is jumping at you is not that easy if you never did that before. If the slimes could stretch their limbs, why didn't they did that right away. Also, if this world is indeed inhabited by monsters, why didn't MC see anyone before?