A man who aspires to be a great writer for video games, who also enjoys making clay models and photography.


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New York

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The Roman Legionnaire

Posted by Swordser15 - May 30th, 2024

The next chapter in my story, aka a sequal to Not Alone with Monsters. I have not decided a title of the whole story yet, but I have an idea. So here it is:

I decided not to have breakfast today since I wanted to start playing Powerup Fantasy 5 as soon as possible. Once I started the game, I saw graphics that although had characters appear in sprites, they and the whole world was in great detail, and everything. I was enmeshed into the city of Dustirali, a city of factories that produce products that are made just to be thrown out. The protagonist was an industrial worker who decided to raise arms against his boss after being treated like shit, as he started rebelling by organizing a union where many of his co-workers decided to demolish the power plant under threat that if they don’t get better wages, they will blow it up. Already I love this game, and I even heard that other protagonists from the last 4 games will appear at some point in the game. I played until I got up with the first boss, who happened to be a huge computer system that overproduces electricity. By the time I was about to fight it, I decided that I should head outside to find out more of what’s going on in this strange new world.

I packed everything I needed into my backpack, especially the cards the frog says are more powerful than any weapon. Yeah, of course the village I was in was not inhabited by humans, and I am the only human, while the guard happens to be a mutant who just looks human. This was interesting, but I have no interest in THAT! Everyone else is actually a bunch of talking animals, mostly made up of only predatory animals like dogs, wolves, bears, eagles and the like. I never really talked to anyone yesterday, so I don’t really know much about their way of life. I went to the lobby, too, and found myself surrounded by those talking animals, especially the younger ones who all came up to me the moment they saw me like a sore thumb. I really did not want to talk, especially yesterday with the whole Jullvex thing, and the ghoul that puts terror under my skin. Of course none of them knew that I was not in the mood since they were all oblivious to my facial features saying the opposite.

“How did you survive, I bet you must be able to kill them with one strike if you have made it this far!” One dog said.

“What did you eat? Some leeches, how did they taste?” Another bear asked.

“I wonder if you ever made it out through sheer luck? After all humans tend to be weak, since they all died off” a tiger stated.

I was annoyed with these questions, so I walked away, trying to ignore them all, luckily the frog from last time came along with the guard. “Okay, everyone, leave the human alone. He has no desire to talk to anyone. Now leave him be.” The frog said sternly, enough that the children walked away, and decided to play tag with each other. 

“Thank you for clearing off those children, that means a lot to me” I said to the frog, “Anyways, you never told me your name when we first met, are you Doo-pe, the very person that the guard had mentioned?” I said, I mean it is obvious that he is the frog, but I alway like making sure this is the case.

“Yeah, I am Doo-pe, and we should discuss something. For starters, you claimed that you moved here with all of your stuff that you’ve brought from your house right?” The frog said.

“Correct, I wanted to move to a luxurious house since I assumed that I had everything to myself, so I got everything, stole a car and drove all the way to this location. Is there anything wrong with that?” I asked Doo-pe, I mean I love my possessions, and I would actually die to save my game system since it has all my favorite games and save data that would take years to get back. However, Doo-pe smacked his face, and gave an intense glare. 

“You. Are. A fucking moron Springdale. You should have been suspicious the first moment you noticed that no one’s around. As far as you know, every person you ever knew could have been abducted by aliens! To be honest I am shocked that you were lucky ENOUGH to move here successfully. Next time, TRAVEL LIGHT!!!” The frog said in a tangent, God, that was annoying. I hope I can go out now, but Doo-pe was not finished with his lecture, so I guess I had to hear more. “Look, I know you love your possessions, I mean we all do. I love my gun collection for example. However, I gave most of them up except for my favorites when I was pursued by a group of hellhounds. I never knew what happened to the guns I left behind, and I don’t think ever will. Don’t you know the Greek myth about Pygmalion who is also obsessed over his statue much like you? As a result, she came to life as a bickering woman!”

“Yeah, I know that myth, and I thought it’s just about how we should not go after porn, but I never thought about it that way. It was nice having this talk, but I’m burning daylight and I want to go out, I gotta go now…” I said, but Doo-pe still refuses to let me go. He still had a stern look, and he crossed his arms, meaning that I will have to stay here a bit more, just when I hope he will be finished. Okay, as much as I appreciate Doo-pe for saving my life, but I really want to get out so I find out how 

“I only have a few things to say before I let you go. First of all, when you were at that mall looting any objects, you should have some caution. You should have listened to the ghoul’s warning first hand. But since you went into the game store and got that copy of Powerup Fantasy 5, you put yourself in harm’s way. If I was not there in time, you could have been turned into just another Jullvex to be killed on the spot. Again, I said this before, but it needs to be mentioned again since you seem to be suicidal enough to throw your life away for stupid shit, TRAVEL LIGHT. In a nutshell, carry only necessities, including food, water, medicine, a weapon and a few tools like a lighter. Nothing else. We will be leaving soon, so be sure to get back before sunset. If you don’t make it, then we are leaving you behind. We will be up north right in the former city of Toronto. You can’t miss this building by the way.”. Doo-pe finally concluded. I was able to leave, and man did that last forever, I thought that would never end. 

Walking across the desolate streets, and the roads do seem to have a whole lot more weeds growing on the pavement from the last time I saw them. Now I am starting to see how much of an idiot I was for not paying attention to my surroundings, so I must have lucked out from not being attacked. So note to self, don’t do that again, or else you won’t be lucky. I walked to a library, hoping that I could find some newspaper articles about what led to the event. I went into the library, and the lights are working as they normally would. Now I think about, who’s keeping the electricity going? But that’s another mystery for another time, and I want to focus on how the Chain Reaction happened. I saw that the books were in an orderly fashion, like they never were removed. I saw a graphic novel adaptation of the first Powerup Fantasy game, but once I turned the pages it crumbled up into dust. Great, I was hoping to reread that, but it seems like there are “book eaters' ' out there that some of the residents warned me about, but they do collect whatever information there was in there, so maybe I can consume the comic that way. I used to go to the library to read some comic books from before whenever I couldn't buy them physically or find them online. I used to remember when there were more people here on the computers typing stuff out, but now those days are just a memory. 

Enough about distant memories, I had to find anything about the Chain Reaction, what happened, and what led to it, and who caused it for what reason. I decided to head right to the newspaper section, to actually see Newspapers from the New York Times still in good condition. I saw that the latest was from 2050, so I took that copy. At least the book eaters didn’t get to this one first. I read the volume to at least get an idea, as the last time I remember, the Chain Reaction must have happened 1000 years ago, and the last time I was around when people are alive was in the year 2018, just when I last slept and woke up here. I decided to see if there was a 2018 to jog my memory to see the current events of those days. I didn't find anything, so it’s safe to assume the book eaters got to those first. I just read the 2050 version to find out that there apparently was a war between God and Satan right here in the paper, except they are not called “God and Satan”, but compared to them for sake of convenience I guess since Christianity is the dominant religion, well at the time, I don’t know about now.

Basically in a nutshell there was a war between the mighty "Friend of Freedom” taking on the form of a plant-like monster fighting off against a “Red Ghost”, the embodiment of tyranny and authoritarianism. From what I can read, those two gods fought each other for about 20 years, to the point that their fight has almost destroyed the planet. Apparently though, the article states that the Red Ghost was killed off for good while Patrilbe, the name of the “Friend of Freedom” has made the world for Democracy. I don’t understand why the article would even say something like that, as from what I have seen, everything is destroyed, and humanity is practically extinct, and why would a supposed God of Freedom allow something apocalyptic to happen in the first place if people can’t enjoy their newfound freedom. Then I remember this was written back in 2050 as shown by the date, so something must have happened in between then and now, and I think I should try to figure out what happened in between. I refuse to believe that a democracy would even fall like that. As I quickly wrote all the important details down, I turned my head slightly to the left to see some familiar green slime. I could continue, but that would prove I’ve learned nothing from what happened last time, so I ran out of the library right towards the exit without a second thought. So I guess finding out about the past will have to wait.

I managed to get at least 20 blocks away from the library. I just hope that the Jullvex aren't on my tail this time around, because dealing with them is the last thing that I want to do. Since I can’t go to that library, I will have to think of a different plan on how to even start to look for information. Plus the sun seems like it’s about to set, so I should get back to the penthouse before Doo-pe leaves me behind. I heard from him that it gets really dangerous when it’s dark, as apparently most monsters are active during the night and that the Jullvex, Ghouls and the various Demons that I have encountered are not the only threats that exist, according to the dumb frog. In fact, I was actually pissed off when he started a society and base in the penthouse I own. I was there first, and the nerve of him kicking me out of the penthouse. To be fair, he did save my life when I made the mistake of focusing on taking a copy of PF5 when I should’ve waited, but damn I could not control myself as I waited for years for that game to come out. I was wondering about why Doo-pe saved me anyway, and what his motivation was. As far as I know, he could have done so just so he can show off that he’s a hero. I still ran towards the penthouse, but already the sun was setting, as I just spent all day focusing on running away from monsters while I barely got anything except for an idea of how the Chain Reaction came to be.

Right now I have to get to the penthouse, and as I ran with my, I would eventually find out that nothing was there in the place of the house. So I guess that Doo-pe and the community have left without me… GREAT! Now I don’t have a home, and all my stuff is gone with the apartment complex. What am I going to do now out at night with various monsters? Now I really wish I could stay home and play Powerup Fantasy 5. At least I didn't take the Switch with me, but I have to find a way to get to the penthouse, and I remember that Doo-pe said he has plans to head towards former Canada, so I guess I will be going there. I just need to survive from here on out if I want to reach the penthouse’s location.

I looked at the cards the frog gave me, and they were exactly like those typical playing cards you’d find people playing solitaire or whatever. I looked at the designs to see if they are anything like the Bicycle brand that I normally see whenever I am in game stores looking for any miniatures I should get. Ugh, this brought me back to when I often can’t decide on what to get, just a part of myself I hated. To be honest, I never really cared about these cards or the games that are played with. But to see them with a unique design, looking nothing like the cards I normally see whether they'd be the default or simply themed around pop culture or anything else, but with a almost default design, but it does feature certain symbols showing off certain actions, with the number and typical symbol to the side which there is one off. Well I can’t spend all day detailing the designs, I have to go. 

I walked across the Time Square area, just north of the neighborhood where the penthouse is, in the Upper West Side. I never mentioned the city of where I lived while writing, so I might as well give it off, and that I used to live in Harlem, a neighborhood I’m not exactly fond of. I don’t want to get into my past, or why I dislike Harlem and by extension this whole city, but I want to focus on the present. As I was walking up Columbus Circle, I thought about going into the mall right over there and getting some supplies from the store underneath the building, while building a base to fight off against whatever, but I realized that doing so might attract attention, so I decided to run towards the park, and I hope that I can quickly build a camp to spend the night.

However, as soon as I took one step into the park, I was all of a sudden ambushed right out of nowhere by a gang of teenagers who appear to have pale gray skin, and teeth with all incisors that would even put a dog on edge. The way they dress looks so damn tacky, with all black, with a hint of blue here and there, and every one of those creatures just wears skinny jeans, even the woman. Great, now I have to deal with getting attention from monsters. I was hoping that I was going to get lucky again, but I had my hopes up too high. I took out my knife, but none of those creatures flinched, coming closer to me. They looked so damn creepy with their human-like appearance, and soon enough a familiar face came, I don’t have to tell you who it was, and what those things are.

“Well, well, well, you must be the stupid little fucker I last saw while we were both at Target. I was hoping that I would get to eat you dumb bitch, but certain circumstances stopped it. But now since we don’t have any Jullvex around, we finally get the chance to finally eat a human once again, after all the disgusting demons we had to eat.” the bald ghoul said as he licked his lips. This is unnerving, I tried to run away by running past the ghouls, since I need to get to Toronto as soon as possible and try to find some car or bus that has a key in there so I can go much faster, as then the speed of the ghoul prevented me from even doing so in the first place. I was held with his right clawed hand on my neck, held onto the ground. I was panicking at this very moment, and I tried to stab the ghoul, but two other ghouls held my hands back onto the ground. They kicked the knife out my hand and threw it off far from where my hands could reach. “Nice try ******! Like we will ever let you kill me! Listen here, we have every right to do whatever we’d like, and since you are weak, and working with demons to unjustly control us. Nice try, maybe you should tell your masters THAT YOU’RE CRINGE!!. WAHAHAHAHA” All the other ghouls followed, but what the fuck is this guy even saying?! I don’t even serve anybody, or even know anything about this new world. Aside from knowing about Doo-pe and the village, then sure. 

“Hey, why don’t we eat him right now! I always wondered what human flesh tastes like!” a ghoul said. 

“Not now, we should cook this human first before we eat him. For all we could know, he could be carrying AIDS, and end up getting mind controlled by the masters he’s serving.” Oh boy here we go with this mind control bullshit, although I am aware I am in a different world, I still can never believe that literal mind control exists, but I will save that for another time. Right now, I am about to get cooked, and it would be smarter for them to eat me right now, obviously I am not telling them to do it, going against my best interests. I was tied up in some rope, as they then took me into the mall, and up on the second floor. I was too busy looking for a time to escape from the room, as I did not pay attention to a single word those ugly parasites were saying to me, as I was too focused on the task at hand. Of course I am not a fighter, only fantasizing about being one whenever I get into Powerup Fantasy or any other RPG game. I was then brought to a clothes store, where another ghoul was there preparing the pot to dunk me in.

I was taken to the closet and locked in there, to prevent escape. “Don’t worry human, soon your ugly mug will be gone from this world, so we can finally have our meal of a lifetime!” the female ghoul said, as she closed the door and locked it. Great, I don’t think I will ever be able to ever escape without noticing, but I won’t give up. I have to find out about the Chain Reaction and what caused it. I had no knife left, but I know somewhat how to untie tight knots. I was able to successfully take it off, and opened the door only slightly to see that the ghouls are too busy yakking about some useless crap. I slowly opened the door without making a creak. I slowly walked, taking advantage of their talk while boiling the pot. I walked until I was just at the entrance of the store as I then made my run. By that point, all the ghouls collectively noticed me, and they gave chase. I ran across the marble floor, but those ghouls were so damn fast, and I got creative, by going down the upwards escalator, hoping to use their speed against them as I jumped down using the handles as support. Luckily it worked, as some of the ghouls had got their feet scratched and their skin removed. I made it to the bottom without the same happening to me, but the leader and some of the other ghouls were not as dumb, and they went an alternative route, and I ran the other way, but I only got surrounded by the rest. 

“THAT WAS A DECEPTIVE TRICK YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT, BECAUSE OF YOUR LIES, YOU KILLED HALF OF OUR FRIENDS!!” the led ghoul said to me. I really did not give a shit, as these fucks literally tried to kill me. 

“Heh heh heh, calm down dude, it’s not a big deal, I mean you can make new friends somewhere else Dank Edgelord? I mean it’s not like they provided anything useful to the world.” I said in a joking manner out of pure rageful impulse, regretting it, as the ghouls then got even more pissed off when I said that statement. One of them would then rush towards me with their claws out, as the leader screamed, and told me “HOW DARE YOU, IT’S YOU WHO IS USELESS, WASTING YOUR LIFE PLAYING STUPID VIDEO GAMES!!” The leader, or the Dank Edgelord as I like to call him said in a shrieking voice. Wow, I was expecting a smug response, not this. He rages as loud as a beast, charging right towards me, many others followed his instinctual orders. Just as the ghouls were about to maul me alive, a spear came flying from the distance and pierced the Dank Edgelord in the eye, spraying out liquid red as roses.

“Hey, you shouldn't throw a tantrum whenever someone decides to stand up for themselves.” a man said in the distance, with heavy armor, not like that of a knight, but rather one of a Roman Legionnaire, specifically one from the 1st century, as his helmet shows his face, with only the sides covered by metal and a blindfold over his eyes. He wore a red tunic and leather boots, and appeared to be middle-aged. He’s much like a JRPG hero, so I hope I am saved.


“Umm… yeah, I’m only doing this to save that moron, as I heard that he somehow has information I need, or at least could help. Just let him go and I will spare all of you.” The legionnaire said stoically, as if he wanted to focus on a task at hand.


“Alright then, I warned you” The Legionnaire said, drawing out his sword and shield from his side and back respectively, as all of the ghouls except for the Dank Edgelord charged at him. He first stabbed the closet one right in the gut. He quickly turned around, to see another ghoul to which he slitted its thought, and bashed another with the shield and forced his sword into its skull, and took it out to spill out some stuff I feel uncomfortable explaining. I can tell that he’s a well disciplined warrior, doing what needs to be done and focusing on the task at hand, as he was able to then quickly kill the remaining 4 ghouls in a single strike in the form of a spin much like Link’s iconic attack. I am not sure of how that would work in real life, but he managed to somehow pull it off, so I wonder if he really is a human like the ghoul mentioned. Speaking of humans…

“Hey, be lucky that I saved your life. If I didn't come, you would have been eaten alive. Come on fellow human, let’s get out of here before we have to deal with the ‘Dank Edgelord’, or anything else” The legionnaire said to me. I followed him, and just like when Doo-pe saved me from the Jullvex, I don’t have a choice. At least I have found a human, but I do wonder if what the ghoul said was false, maybe there still are humans.

“Oh yeah, I should mention that humans pretty much are a nearly extinct race. They either were killed off, mutated, left this planet through spaceships, or were assimilated by various creatures. Let's say” Great, with what is familiar to me gone, I am starting to realize that I don’t want to live in this world. At least back at my shitty life in the 21st century I did have to deal with being a target from anything, just at my typical everyday boring job typing on a computer doing pointless work. 

“DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU!! YOU STUPID, RE****** HERO HAVE KILLED ALL OF MY GROUP. I AM SO PISSED OFF THAT I WILL MAUL YOU TO BITS!!!” The Dank Edgelord yelled as he rushed forward, but with ease, the legionnaire just dodged, and the Dank Edgelord gritted his teeth. At least the attention was away from me, but then the ghoul noticed me, and gave off a nasty grin.

“QUICK, USE YOUR CARDS! SWITCH TO USING ANY ACE TO LAND A BLOW AGAINST THAT BASTARD!!!” I did as the Roman told, as I quickly drew out an Ace of Hearts and casted a fireball landing onto the Ghoul, as then he burst into flames. “Now let’s get out of here before that fire cools off. It’s not going to last forever!” I was not sure, but with the fact that this guy has more experience than I do, I decided to follow him out of the mall, and crossed along Columbus Circle, and finally entered Central Park much like my original plan. However, as we entered Central Park, not surprisingly, we encountered more ghouls, and not just them, but the very weak demons that Doo-pe told me about along with zombies and others that I don’t have time to mention. This is going to be one long day.

“Okay, how are we going to fight against all of those bastards!” I asked, as I started to become even more nervous about dying.

“Calm down, I got a plan where we avoid combat as much as possible! Listen to everything I say, you’re important to me and my quest right now. So it’s in my best interest that you don’t get hurt!” He said as he took my arm, and barged through a group of zombies with his shield, and saw a now abandoned horse with a saddle and stirrups eating some grass. He hopped right on, with me on the back, as then the legionnaire whacked the horse, galloping away from the monsters. “We are going to stop off at a camp I set up in the park as a place where no one would dare think to look. It may be daunting, but be brave. Quick reminder that I am only saving you because you have vital information.” Great, I don't need another reminder that I am only useful temporarily.

After a few hours of riding, we eventually made it over to the castle in Belvedere Castle, looking over the lake, overtaken by algee. “Wait, your base is this castle? Won’t that make it obvious?” I said, because that thing sticks out like a sore thumb.

“Of course not you idiot, my base is actually right over here.” The legionnaire said as he touched a certain stone, after he put on a plastic glove, a hidden door opened. “Come on now, before any more monsters find us!” I nodded my head, as I followed him in. The hideout he has is claustrophobic, to the point that I can’t stand all the way up, but it was minimalistic, as all there was is just a backup and a sleeping bag. 

“So what do you want to know about? You said that you want me alive do you?” I asked in a stern manner. I don’t trust this guy, as if he’s like that guy from that Spanish book about a crazy man who thinks he’s a knight, although this one thinks he’s a Roman Legionnaire. I just hope that he does not accuse me of being an uncivilized barbarian who eats babies for breakfast.

“I heard from a group of women wearing dark dresses who said that you exist, and are from the 21st century. I myself, as you can see, am from the 2nd century, as I was a soldier in Trajan’s army during the Dacian War. I woke up in a field after an intense battle to have no idea of where my army was, and I assume you have the same experience. I would like to know how you ended up here in this place and time, and what happened during the Chain Reaction?” 

Okay, with this question, maybe he is not like that crazy Spanish guy after all, but already I was struggling to answer it, “Yeah sorry but I am just as much at a loss as you are. I woke up in my apartment to see nobody there, and I decided to fuck around to do stuff I would not be able to do in a functioning society.” I replied, then the Roman smacked his hand into his face.

“Great, I was just at a quest in the north right at the Irving City, then I had those women get information they needed for whatever horrible plan they wanted to enact, and now I have wasted my time saving a moron who’s on the same page as I am. I was really hoping that you know at least SOMETHING about those details, the very information I need to get back to my own time with my friends! Great, I guess I will have to get out empty handed, while not getting one step closer back to my era! It’s bad enough that I have to walk in an unfamiliar world where I have to learn a new language and the culture!” The Roman yelled at, pissed off that he can’t continue being on the battlefield fighting against the “Dacians” or whatever they call them. 

“I am sorry about that, but complaining won’t make it better, you know. As I too am on a quest to find out what the hell happened with the Chain Reaction! I just can’t find anything out with monsters chasing me around, and you’re not helping with shaming me! I just would love to play Powerup Fantasy 5 on my Switch at my home” I yelled back, the nerve this guy has. Yes I get that soldier probably wants to get back home, but I kind of like this chance of pace, as I said to him that since I don’t have to work, I have a whole lot more freedom to do as I pleased.

“EXCUSE ME! I have been out in this crappy future and unfamiliar environment for about 3 years everyday having to fight against various monsters and hostile forces, looking for a way to travel back to my own time! I suspect that Rome lost the war that I fought, probably leading to this, and the fact that you are obsessed with a video game is not going to help you out as with any other luxury!”

“Alright, fine, I don’t want to argue with a cranky soldier! Let’s just stop fighting, I mean this is taking us nowhere. I did actually find out more information about the Chain Reaction, do you want them?” I said, I bet the Roman would like to hear the little information I have to say, because he would find this interesting.

“Go on then, I’m listening, but if it’s something useless or I already know, then you’re out of the hole. I should tell you that I work alone, as any partner I have have either died or betrayed me” Here goes nothing then, so I explained to him everything I read in that newspaper back at the library about the war between the Red Ghost and the God of Freedom, but that the latter was presented as a hero, and it all happened in 2050.

“Interesting. I never have thought that something that comes right out of the Christian religion could actually have an element of truth to it. For my whole life I thought it was just pure rubbish made up to destroy the empire, then again it did succeed, as those fucken Goths used it to destroy everything!” He yelled out frustration, “Only if I was there to help out in the Dacian war, then the Imperium would have never collapsed!” he yelled out.

“Hey, how about we work together, we both have the same interests. Or similar interests to be more accurate, there is a limit to what one person can do, and I have a history major from college, so I can get more details on what led to this event and how we got here in the first place” Now that I think about it, I kinda am going on my own JRPG adventure, despite the fact that I am technically useless except for the fact that I only have cards, but I can get better. I even have the Legionnaire, which could be the warrior in my gang, although with the lack of humans, I wonder how far it will go.

“Fine, I will travel with you. But with a condition that you don’t do the same stupid shit you did when you woke up. I see that you have a backup with you, so let’s look through it, and see what you have that could or could not be useful.”

“Um… fuck it, just look through it! I need you anyway, so just look through everything here” I said, so from the look of him, I think I will be forced to give up some things, I just hope though that it won’t be something like the Limited Edition Powerup Fantasy Coin I collected at a game store on , which was the first thing he looked at after dumping everything out of my bag. He looked at it for a while to make a decision, to decide:

“Trash” he stated, and he would later look at my other stuff, taking a look at my pistol,

“This is not going to last long, and will have no effect on most creatures, trash”, then my Lego set “Trash”, my umbrella “Trash”, an action figure of a certain bat superhero “Trash”, a pack of gummies, “This is contaminated with several poisons, and even if were fine, it still would not be a good idea to eat, trash”. He would go on to do this for another five minutes, labeling everything I got during this trip as trash, with the exception of my journal, the cards and a pack of sardines, but he said they won’t last long, so I will have to eat them up. I was annoyed and worried about leaving everything I have collected over the course of today behind, as my body would start fidgeting over this thought. 

“Can I keep some things, I don’t want to leave behind all my treasure, I spent all day collecting all of that! I want to make today memorable!” 

To be continued on the next post since there was not enough room.



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