Another story that I have wrote as commentary on what's happening today. As usual, giving feedback would be appreciated.
I was at a protest with many of my closest friends, on the warm sandy beach of Cape May, with the waves going nearby and a salty yet nose bleeding breeze, as all sorts of plastic waste are over the beach. A huge building with smoke chambers releasing gray smog into the sky was turning the sky into a depressing color of a light ash gray. Me and many other people have been seeing that the factory was releasing waste not in the form of green gunk that you’d see in cartoons, but a weird plastic liquid that looked slimy yet thick in a bright purplish color that can’t be found anyway in nature dumped into the sea, changing it’s very color from a clearish blue color. There I was with a sign saying “DOWN WITH PLASTICS!” as I got frustrated with how the beach was ruined. I used to go there every Saturday, although I hated swimming, I loved the atmosphere. I hung out there with my friends and went on the boardwalk every time hanging out at the shops or playing at the arcade. We would sometimes even do dumb shit like playing pranks by stealing the lifeguard’s megaphone and yelling out sharks to see everyone panic. Ahh those were good times, now ever since the factory opened up, everything has been going downhill. I kept yelling chants with my friends and the rest of the crowd, until I saw that a limousine would drive by the entrance, as a middle aged man wearing casual blue jeans and a light blue shirt came out. He has light beige skin, brown hair slick, and filled with spray and grease, and looked as hard as a diamond, and a face that all the ladies would fall for despite his age, with makeup making it smooth, much like an actor on set.
He was on the stage, as he went to the entrance of the factory facing towards all of us, with a microphone in his hand to say a speech, “Hey people of Cape May! As a member of the community, I hear your concerns. However, you all know that we are among the poorest communities in the city, but the truth is we need to do whatever is necessary to build it up by gaining the profits that I, I mean the city needs so we can make this a better place. There would even be better jobs for all of you people, and best of all, they would have high wages and great benefits!” We were pissed off, because none of those jobs were meant for us, with the requirement being a PHD just to become a janitor for some idiotic reason. Plus we are in the middle of a HOUSING crisis, not a job crisis!
“FUCK YOU BEFF MICHAIS!!” A friend of mine in the crowd said as she threw a glass bottle which the cops caught right in his hands. He was about to command the others to beat us up, as they all took out their buttons and tasers, but Beff held them back to then continue, “We could make all of you the exception, and I mean we do need more woman on the workforce, as we have been lacking in diversity. So those opportunities can be for all of you!” He said, as then he got a singer out, who was none other than pop sensation that blonde, hideous Tanya Smith, who is a corruption of what a woman is supposed to look like, with her oversized ass and boobs and a curvy and tiny belly the size of a penny. She looks more like a caricature than an actual human being. I hate that dumb bitch, and I always hated her music, but now even since she decided to become a spokesperson for Dinalo Enterprises, who Beff Michais is the CEO of I hate her even more than ever. Unfortunately, a bunch of my friends with me have been corrupted by her shitty music, despite that though, she was able to enchant them with her voice, singing a song to calm them down, and I will just explain the lyrics in my diary as in a nutshell telling the whole crowd that they are ugly, and they should just accept that they are inferior. You know, those kinds of things that are supposed to destroy your self esteem. At first I thought everyone was about to get angry and start to beat her up, but then she said, “Sorry that I have brought up all of your disgusting appearances, but don’t worry about that! I have this whole makeup brand that can reshape your face in a certain mold! Best of all, it’s all for the low, low price of $100 a pack! Come get yours while supplies last, and use it with the sludge and you will become even more sexier!” Tanya Smith said, as then all of the girls all suddenly were convinced so easily that they started to go berserk with their money out as they all rushed like a herd of cows to buy that cream. I was just there in complete shock, as how could everyone be that stupid and so easily convinced to buy into that scam! They were fighting over the cream just like on Black Friday, except this was two days after Black Friday. Seeing that most of my friends were fighting was disheartening, becoming the greedy consumers they opposed. I just don’t get how Tanya Smith was able to convince them about this bullshit so easily.
I decided to stand up to the crowd with clenched fist and gritted teeth, with me yelling at the top of my lungs to all of my friends saying “HEY!! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO OPPOSE THOSE PEOPLE! NOT BUY INTO THEIR BULLSHIT! IT’S NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH TO EVEN USE THOSE PRODUCTS!!!” I tried my best to convince everyone, but instead everyone decided to boo me instead, as both Beff Michais and Tanya Smith grinned at me, with hostile eyes, as if they saw me as a threat. “FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU BOTH!!” I yelled to both of them as I gave them the finger, but then the whole crowd started to all gang up on me physically, as one punch after the other was pounded onto my body. With strikes feeling like actual metal on me, I only managed to escape and barely survive once all the crowd had gotten bored, “Ha! Later loser, we have places to be at! Those clothes aren't going to buy themselves!” One of the people said as she spat on me. They trample on me, viewing me as nothing but dirt, and it was not the end, as I would end up losing my leg as the limo Michais was in drove over my right.
A day later, I had a cast over my leg, and now I owe the hospital $50,000 for sawing up my leg since it caused an infection. That alone is a whole separate issue, but I am not concerned about my own health. What I am concerned about is my community having to deal with the harm that the sludge may have in the future. I decided to head right out, although going on crotches is hard as fuck and I abhor them, but I can’t afford the wheelchair, so that will do for now. As I was trying to go outside, a doctor saw me in the hallway trying to get me out, he would come up to me and grab me by the back of my shirt, “Excuse me, miss I do believe that you are not ready to go outside. We just need to improve on your face before we let you go outside.” He said. The last sentence sent a chill down my spine, as I am now suspicious that Dinalo must have bought the hospital. I didn't say a word, as I decided to hit him with one of the crutches and proceed to move as fast as I can with them. “STOP RIGHT THERE UGLY CUNT!!” He yelled, as I soon decided to steal a wheelchair and zoomed to the exit as fast as possible while avoiding any workers, “GUARDS, CODE RED, I REPEAT, CODE RED!” I was able to get out of the door as fast as possible, but I would hide behind one corner in the white and clean hallways of the clinic, to see that there are still guards in one corner. Like shit, why the fuck are there guards in the hospital? There are just receptionists are the front, and many security guards who do surveillance, but this much is just fucken insane! I however noticed a room to my side as I saw that there was a clear window and a sign that says “Plastics Development” Just when I thought that today could not get any weirder.
My curiosity got the better of me, as I decided to enter the dark room, where just enough light was there to see in a dimly lit fashion. I walked to see the hallways of what appears to be a bunch of organs inside of tubes. But to see that they were increased in the same exact purple plastic liquid was what shocked me. I took a look at many organs, although I found that there was a pair of testicles there, and the look they had were they glowed a strong light green as if it seemed hypnotic, despite the fact it’s just a bright light. I decided to look closer at the balls to then see that there were apparently a few specks of dots. It sparkled like glitter, and I saw a microscope next to the tube, and it was the same for every single tube there, which I can assume is to save time to just look at what's in the tube. I decided to look into the microscope to see there being many particles that seemed to resemble that of the various depictions of viruses that I saw, except that they actually have the Dinalo logo of that of a Unicorn. I stopped looking and I later saw the tubes had hearts, guts, stomach, then I saw the brain, as the pink substances are actively being eaten alive by leeches, and certain portions of the brian are being eaten alive by the parasites from within. I don’t think I really need to look into the microscope, because just seeing that made me lose my appetite.
Already I wanted to know why the hell is a lab like this in a hospital, and I already believe that there is a connection between the purple sludge, how my friends quickly changed and my situation that I am not allowed to leave, since I did not want to get a change in my face. Wait a minute, is sludge an ingredient to plastic surgery? Well, I knew that looking at all of those organs there was a mistake, as soon enough the guards caught me red handed. “THERE YOU ARE!! Looks like we got ourselves a runaway whore!” They grabbed my arms, but I took a while to see that these guards are actually the SWAT TEAM. This does not look good. I was brought to a room nearby with the same dark atmosphere, except that it has a tube, and I saw Beff Michais there, along with a fashion model who’s known for absolutely nothing, Park Poodaisyen. Great, she much like Tanya Smith is just another shitty celebrity with a cult fanbase, and she has huge boobs and ass, skinny waist and a face that’s more makeup than skin. She is the most hideous woman I ever saw, and I don’t get who the fuck would even be attracted to her. “Here she is, when do we do the advanced plastic surgery?” the guard said.
“Just leave her here, and guard the entrance from the outside, just don’t let her out of here” Michais said, as those who caught me left. “Looks like we got the only one who did not fall for the influence of Tanya Smith’s jingle” Michais said, as he smirked on his face. “We will have to do the purple sludge influence then, if she was able to resist the spell we put into her song”. Listening to the idea of being dunked into sludge was something that I am terrified of, as I saw from the organ lab, I quickly went to the door to see that it was locked, and I kept banging on it as a way to get out.
“Give up Lucka, you already are trapped. Come along now, we will fix your body and put you up to perfect shape, and all the men will love you.” Poodaisyen said, as she has been condescending.
“Bitch, I much rather die then turn into a copy of you! Why the fuck are you trying to create those microbes, and forcing this piece of shit lifestyle!” I demanded as I was angry over the fact that the whole purpose was to create all of this junk just to eliminate what they view as hideous. “Just why the fuck are you doing this, you already have more money then you know what to do with in a million lifetimes, so why don’t you just be satisfied!” I then said to Michais.
“Oh please, I just want to create a certain world. Sure, I am in it for the money, but it’s not my motivation, it’s Michais’s. Mine is to create a whole world where every woman is exactly like me, into hypersexy fashion models. Your town of Cape May was lacking in that, and I was hoping that I can actually help, after all, New Jersey is already a shitty state, and I want to improve it bit by bit, starting the penises of the man here who are not horny or aggressive enough, so we start inserting the plastic sludge into the balls, causing them to lust after sexy ladies like me and become mindlessly aggressive and competitive. I don’t need to explain about the woman.” Poodaisyen said, as then a tube opened up, preparing to encase me in the sludge. “Well then let’s get this over with then” I managed to barge hard enough on the door to let myself out, and the guards were beneath it. I ran out there, now with many guards after me. I got outside the specimen room, while crawling on the floor as fast as I could, getting onto the wheelchair they left out. I zoomed right past many things, now with many guards on my tail. “DON’T THINK YOU CAN HIDE! YOU MAY RUN, BUT WE WILL GET YOU EVENTUALLY!!” Poodaisyen said in the intercom. I have to think up a plan, and right now all I have for escape is to take multiple opioids at once. Let’s hope that it doesn't come to this.
I managed to finally get out right through the entrance. Damn being in a wheelchair is hard enough, but with my broken legs, I don’t think I can steal a car, and they have vehicles, so I have to think of something fast. Then I turned my head one way to see that the guards were still on their way, so I quickly hopped onto my wheelchair and saw that I was on a hill, and Cape May was only a ride away. I decided to let gravity do its work and hope that I don’t end with worse injuries. Thankfully, I was okay when I got down with a stroke of luck that I didn't get injured.
I would then make it to my town, as air is murky, and the purple sludge replaced the water. I saw that the streets were torn up, with potholes and glass windows that looked like they were shot. Almost no one was there. I strolled my wheelchair to see if there was anybody there, but one wheel broke, as it crossed over a pothole. I turned around and I would see a bunch of mutated men with mass muscles, as if they were taken by steroids and their faces were beastly, as their faces were overgrown with ugly beards taking up half their face. I made my run, by making the use of my undamaged wheel. I was able to throw them off, as I threw my shirt and bra, and those savages went for that, so it seems like they track more by smell then they see. I was in a corner, seeing what my town has become, I don’t want to live anymore. I took out the opioids, and swallowed them at once, and I just hope that I die soon, because if this is how the world is going to end up, I don’t want to live in it.